First published in 1963, "I am a Bunny" follows a little rabbit named Nicholas on his adventures throughout the seasons of the year. Ole Risom's story is simply charming.
But what really has me in love with this board book is the art work. Illustrator Richard Scarry brings Nicholas the Bunny and his wonderful woodland world to life with each turn of the page. No, these aren't simple illustrations. They are works of art.
And as luck would have it, little Charlotte is quite the fan of "I am a Bunny" as well!
The colourful pictures that fill each page are fun to look at, to be sure. There are plenty of forest dwellers and pretty foliage to point out. And of course, there is Nicholas the Bunny himself.
Right from the start, whenever my husband or I would read this book to Charlotte, we would point to the bunny on each page. "There's the bunny!" To our surprise, a couple of weeks after being introduced to this book, 8 month old Charlotte was pointing out the bunny all on her own! I never realized how fantastic a baby's memory really is.
We have so much fun pointing out the bunny that there are plenty of times that we don't read the story at all. Charlotte loves the praise she receives. She anticipates it whenever the book is produced with sounds of excitement, kicking her legs, and showing that adorable grin.
"I am a Bunny" at
This is a lovely review.